10 Surprising Uses for Pressure Washers You Haven't Tried Yet

Are you tired of using your pressure washer for the same old cleaning tasks? Believe it or not, pressure washers can be used for more than just washing cars and cleaning driveways. In fact, there are many surprising uses for pressure washers that you may not have considered. Here are 10 creative ways to use your pressure washer that you may not have tried yet:

  1. Cleaning outdoor furniture - Pressure washers can blast away dirt and grime from outdoor furniture, making it look like new again. Equip2clean advises that you turn down the pressure on your pressure washer and clean at lower pressure in order not to damage the furniture. 

  2. Removing graffiti - If your property has been tagged with graffiti, a pressure washer can help remove it quickly and efficiently. Graffiti removal tends to work best with steam cleaners. We would recommend looking at our Hot Water range of pressure washers by clicking here.

  3. Washing your pets - Believe it or not, pressure washers can be used to give your pets a bath. Just be sure to use a low-pressure setting and keep a safe distance from your furry friend.

  4. Cleaning gutters - Using a pressure washer to clean gutters can be done. This can be done by using a Telescopic Lance. You can see one of ours by clicking here. You can also see in the photo below the lance in action cleaning GuttersTelescopic Lance for Pressure washers cleaning Gutters Equip2clean

  5. Washing windows - Pressure washers can be used to clean windows, but be sure to use a low-pressure setting and stand at a safe distance to avoid damage.

  6. Removing wallpaper - If you're struggling to remove wallpaper, a pressure washer can make the job much easier. Be sure to use a low-pressure setting to avoid damaging the walls.

  7. Cleaning concrete statues and fountains - Pressure washers can be used to clean concrete statues and fountains, removing dirt and grime that can accumulate over time.

  8. Cleaning sports equipment - Whether you're a coach or a parent, a pressure washer can be a great way to clean sports equipment like balls, helmets, and pads.

  9. Removing stains from concrete - If you have stains on your concrete driveway or patio, a pressure washer can help remove them quickly and easily.

  10. Cleaning your grill - Instead of scrubbing your grill by hand, use a pressure washer to blast away grease and grime.

These are just a few of the many surprising uses for pressure washers. By getting creative with your pressure washer, you may be able to find new ways to save time and effort when it comes to cleaning and maintenance tasks. Just be sure to follow all safety precautions and use the appropriate settings for each task to avoid damage or injury.

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